Monday, January 18, 2010

Where are all the toys?

When people come into my home they often ask where all the toys are. They assume the house should be overrun with toys because we have two small children. But I've found out that children don't need many toys and they prefer to have a few familiar toys. My kids also function better in a clean and organized environment so it encourages me to limit the amount of toys we own. When a toy is broken beyond repair it is trashed. If a toy becomes outgrown and no one else ever touches it, it is donated. When a friend or family member has a baby we give them toys, clothes and books we no longer need. You can see the rest of they toys in this earlier post about the kids' bedroom. That's where the Legos, puzzles and books are located.

The kids love riding these all over the house.
This is our main living space. This is where we watch TV, read, play and use the laptop computer. On the other side of the bookcase is our dining room and across from that is our kitchen so the kids can also play in this area while I'm cooking and cleaning.
The play kitchen area is diagonal from the bookcase. Behind it you can see a tiny bit of the kitchen. The kids like to play in the play kitchen while I'm fixing dinner at night. They also like to hide inside the play refrigerator.


Kathy said...

Plan toys kitchen :) Love it! Can I come play?

Fine Little Day said...

What a nice kitchen set, I want to play too :)