I once read that a couple's bedroom is symbolic of their relationship. I had been letting stacks of magazines and children's outgrown clothes pile up in my bedroom and realized that it was interfering with the whole relaxing vibe I envisioned for my master bedroom. I was also paranoid that I was taking my husband for granted and not taking care of us. I don't think that was really happening, but it was a good enough excuse to go shopping. We got brand new sheets at TJ Maxx (I only buy white for everyone in my house so I can wash them all together) because the ones we had were getting holes. I scored a Patch NYC for Target duvet set when it went on sale for 50% off.
I routinely dry our clothes on this awesome wooden drying rack (instructions on how to make one from Martha Stewart) my husband made for me a couple of years ago, especially the kid's clothes so they don't get excessive wear from the dryer (so they can be handed down to younger siblings or friends). On this day, I was drying my toddler's cloth diapers and cloth wipes. A little embarrassed that we still haven't installed closet doors on our renovated closet (blogged here).
I really enjoyed this post. If your bedroom is a reflection of your marriage, than I'm in big trouble! I think I'll be going shopping soon as well! It looks great~
I think my piles of clutter that I finally cleared out were more of a reflection of a hectic full-time-working-taking-care-of-small-children life than my actual relationship. Either way, I feel much better.
Thanks for reading my blog!
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